Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Here is a story of young, idealistic students who rose up against tyranny; who took to the streets nightly for three months in the dead of Serbian winter; who fought a dictator not with violence, but with humour and love. Abandoned by Europe, sanctioned by America, their only contact with the outside world was an outrageously bad television show called Tropical Heat. It played on all four of their national channels -- over and over again in endless re-runs -- until finally they embraced it, as if to say “Even the worst of the West is better than dictatorship.” And there in the heart of the Balkans was born the strangest political slogan of all time: “Slaughter Nick for President!”

The film follows Rob from the discovery of this phenomenon and his subsequent efforts to scrape together a production with little or no financing, to his trip to Serbia (still with no money) to investigate this highly improbable story. What he finds there is a humbling story of real-life courage, far more profound than the absurd fame of any actor."

Funkaoshi found this article in The Globe first I found it funny, kind of a Balkan David Hasselhoff type thing.
But listening to Rob talk in this interview:

I realize that this is something a little different.
A real, and awesome example of the sardonic and dark humour of Serbians in the face of sanctions and well as nostalgia for the character who was in their homes during one of the hardest times in the country's recent history.