Sunday Click Around
The clip is called "There's Something in the Water".
I love Chris Walken, and here he is reading Poe's "The Raven".
I looked at all the revised logos on this site, and it induced a big fat "eh" from me.
This is a popular Serbian Wedding Song...I still love it.
Leave Realtors Alone!
Anna May Won't tells us about internet dating with "Pricks in the Mist"....and just for good measure, here's a checklist for the sociopath (scroll down).
Brooklyn girls...the calendar. I love how kitschy it is.
Yikes...whoever let this guy sing in Church is probably laughing his/her ass off.
The history of the cornrow.
The Beer Diet.
Book Autopsies is fantastic.
Black Love is Dead from Racialicious. Don't get your panties in a knot, it's a joke.
30 Strangest Deaths in History.
Mama's Gonna Kick You Out!
I caught the movie "Moonstruck" again last night...Here's my favourite scene.
Mabel John, Motown's first singer sings "Your Real Good Thing"...I lovelovelove that song.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted by
9:00 p.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I read this article in The Star and gagged.
"Police say the assaults aren't racially motivated. "There's been three occurrences in 2007 where fishermen, both male and female of many ethnic backgrounds, have been assaulted by persons while they're fishing here," said Det. Sgt. Bill Sadler of York police. "In some cases (they've been) pushed in the water. But they're not specifically directed at Asians.""
Uja (my uncle) had a cottage in Meaford for a decade and was treated like shit by the locals.
Called "Spic" and "Wop" over the years.
As "multicultural" as we like to think ourselves, step 20km out of Toronto and you might as well be in Mississippi in the 40's.
Posted by
10:42 p.m.
Labels: Racial Issues
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'm so sorry my lovelies, I've been neglecting this blog.
I've been busy, and my mind has been hither and thither with minutia and things I really have no business thinking about, as well as things that are my business to worry about.
I've been dying to head south of the border to do some shopping, and will probably do so in the next couple of weeks...that's why when I read this article called "Buyin' and Lyin'", I laughed.
I don't lie at the border.
There's no point in taking the chance. Besides, most of the long as you don't lose your mind and spend thousands of's ok. We've ever only had to pay duty once.
C'mon people, it's only an hour and a half away.
I've travelled longer to visit friends on the other side of the city.
Have my car impounded for a pair of Manolos?
Gimme a break.
on another note:
Those G.M. workers eat well!
....and this was lovely.
Posted by
10:36 p.m.
Labels: Pointless Pondering
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday Click Around
The photo is from The Droste Effect.
While we're looking at photos, here are some of bored couples. Sometimes, there just isn't anything to say.
7 Wonders Panoramas, is just that. Panoramic photos of the "new" wonders of the world.
I might have posted this already, but she's so cute...and the song is so sweet coming from a 6 year old.
It's finally starting to happen. We're blending, and there's nothing racists can do about it. I think I found this over at Funkaoshi., someone needs to explain to me why a woman would do this to herself. I'd really, really like to know.
Do you have a "dirty mind"?
Gospel Aerobics...give Him praise and get fit at the same time!
Hilarious kids and babies. I love pictures of kids....and then even better when you give them the camera.
Internet People...I found this funny...or perhaps I just spend too much time online.
Jackie Chan has been injured many times over his career, here is a compliation.
I used to love Mike Myers, here's some of his best.
Let's mix ballet with hip hop.
This is in bad taste, but I laughed anyway.
A rather interesting take on Real Estate Brokers. However, I don't think that this kind of behaviour in business is all that unusual. Some people are sociopaths and make a good living misleading people. Being good looking as well as charming can make any living lucrative.
I was sad to hear that Joe Zawinul died. Here is a tribute to him.
That's all.
Posted by
10:11 a.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Friday, September 21, 2007
Seriously....Funky 16 Corners current download is fantastic!
I'm totally loving it!
Posted by
11:13 p.m.
Labels: music
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I hope Oscar De Lay Hoya finds the person who posted these pics on the internet.
Monday, September 17, 2007
I don't generally watch awards shows, and I didn't watch the Emmys, since I don't watch a lot of TV and don't know many of the actors, or series...but I read about Sally Field's speech and had to see it.
Remember back in the old days when they used to give actors "the hook"? Some guy, standing in the wings with a giant hook who would just pull their ass off stage?
Sally got the modern day "hook".
I can't stand actors who have to take every opportunity to denounce "the war".
It bugs me.
Those award shows go on and on forever anyway, and all actors say the same thing about "the war", so just STFU, get your award, thank everyone and their dog, and let's move on.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday Click Around
The picture to your left is by Russian Photographer Tatiana Zarubo. She photographs insects. Pretty amazing.
Ever wonder where you could get a bunch of Prince videos all in one place?
Well, wonder no more!
Just scroll down and pick your favourite Prince video.
I love Kathy Griffin.
I do.
Here she is talking about Streisand on Oprah...and then talking about white people who talk "black", and another about Madonna turning British...and here's an interview on British television with Madonna, just to make Kathy's point valid.
Since I watched Hell Date on BET, I've been laughing my ass off watching Blind Date clips on YouTube....the following is a sad collection of bad dates: 1) Are you serious? 2) Bad, bad date. 3) Downer Boy. 4) Drunk loser chick. 5) Mr. Pitiful 6) Greedy girl.
Here's a blind date show from the 80's...check out the fashions, whoa!
And while we're still on the date thing, blind guys are picky too, and feigning interest...and all your worst dates combined and rolled up into one guy.
Here's the Asian MC Hammer...what I love is while he's sweating up a storm in his genie pants, his mother is sitting on the couch calmly knitting in the background.
Here's David Cross on flags and patriotism.
I got a kick out of Gangsta Happy Feet.
I Love Lucy- Vitameatavegamin.
Vintage trade labels from India.
"Trade Wars can create strange by products, but few as tenacious as the picture labels - "Tickets", they were called - produced by rival cloth manufacturing and dyeing firms in the late 19th century Britain. Proclaiming the names of companies defunct these fifty years, they survive in India as decorative items or even objects of devotion"
A Canadian Heritage Moment, via Glacia.
Here is a collection of the PostSecret postcards on Flickr.
Mr. Bean eating in a French restaurant.
That's all kids.
Posted by
11:31 a.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Courtesy of Selina, via Victoria...shaved down to the five most important.
(...according to me).
Rule 1: The only man who should wear a ponytail is a sumo wrestler.
If you weigh less than 500 pounds, and you don't want to get sweaty with other fat
guys, don't try it. It just makes you look like a 1970s coke dealer.
Rule 2: Unless you work out in a gym 3 or 4 times a week, wear clothing that
covers your entire torso. Mesh muscle shirts do not make manboobs any less
revolting. Same for love handles slopping out over the lowcut jeans. And the
tattoos just make it look like you are ugly AND you have bad judgement.
Rule 3: If your children are unruly brats with the eating habits of a jackal, a desire to turn every object into a gun, and the vocabulary of a porn star, I
will tell them what the rules of my home are and I will expect them to obey
them. You're not doing your kid any favours by failing to teach them the rules
of society. Apparently, your current plan is to prepare them for a life
serving beer to bikers.
Rule 4: No more gift registries. You know, it used to be just for
weddings. Now it's for babies and new homes and graduations from rehab.
Picking out the stuff you want and having other people buy it for you isn't
gift giving, it's the white trash version of looting.
Rule 5: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger t he
asshole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a 'decaf grandee, half-soy,
half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry,
light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low, and One NutraSweet,' ooooh, you're a huge
Posted by
12:07 p.m.
Labels: Comedy
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I wasn't a big "Sex in the City" fan, but I have seen a few episodes.
Has every woman alive had a Mr. Big in their lives at one point?
The elusive guy who doesn't really give a crap about you, but knows all the right things to say at the right time, and pushes all the right buttons? Someone who seemed to know to reappear with his line just as soon as you started to move on with your life?
Someone who just made you stupid?
Be honest...if you're female, and read this.... 'fess up....Hell, if you're a guy and you had a Ms....whatever the equivalent is (I'm not even going to venture to call her the equivalent of "Mr. Big"), 'fess up too!
Who was your Mr. Big/Ms. .....?
Posted by
12:48 p.m.
Labels: Commentary
Monday, September 10, 2007
The number of hits I get for:
"Serbian Love Phrases".....warms my heart.
Posted by
5:59 p.m.
Today's Quote:
After being cut off by a lunatic in a minivan.
Radmila: "I hate minivans"
Victoria: "You know what's worse than a minivan?"
Radmila: ?
Victoria: "A minivan from Quebec"
Sorry Dantallion...I couldn't resist...
Posted by
11:52 a.m.
Labels: Quotes
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sunday Click Around
We're having major trouble with our internet hook up, so if this actually gets up today, I'll be a happy woman. To your left is a repost of Naturally 7's acapella cover of the Phil Collins song "In the Air Tonight". It's worth posting because they're pretty great, and the spontaneous concert on the Paris Metro is inspirational. Here is "Let it Rain" by them as well.
Does anyone remember Shabba Ranks? Remember Mr.Loverman? Then, do you remember the In Living Color parody Mr. Ugly Man?
I don't get vanity plates, but I know that many people love them. Here are a bunch of clever, and not so clever vanity plates.
Fish with human faces? Get outta town!
Want to piss people off? Here's a list of ways to do it...some people don't need the help though.
Dusty Springfield is one of my favourites. Here she is with the original of the Luther Vandross tune "A House is Not a Home"...and while we're here, I've got "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me"...and while we're here, on Burt Bacharach, here's Dionne Warwick with "Walk on By". I love the drama of the songs from the 50's and 60's.
What NOT to say after sex.
Let's Dance with Child Actresses!
Why do beautiful women sometimes marry unattractive men? It isn't just money? Or low self-esteem?
Famous funerals anyone?
..or how about Celebrity Suicide Attempts (thanks Cynical-C).
Ok...that's it for now, internet connection is dodgy, and I'm getting too frustrated with the wait and reload time on this thing.
They're coming to fix it on Tuesday...will the set up time on this house ever end?
Posted by
10:28 a.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Friday, September 07, 2007
Apparently, living in the same house for a decade results in acquiring the traits of a homing pigeon.
I have bruises all over my legs from bumping into things and I've found myself in rooms I didn't mean to be in by walking around on auto-pilot.
It's going to take a while to get used to the new place.
Just thought I'd throw in the dose of Amy because I like the old song and her version of it.
Posted by
8:57 a.m.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Tings moving service...caught on Dundas West.
West Indian? Asian? Or Asian West Indian?
It gave me a giggle.
And then....
Why people need to heed signs that people put up to warn.
Posted by
8:27 a.m.
Labels: Comedy, Stupidness
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I'm Back Kids...
I have done nothing but pack.... other than being at a BBQ over the weekend and watching a young mother with 3 kids (all boys) under 8....and another on the way try to manage and cope.
Just watching her made me want to book an appointment for a hysterectomy.
I'll try to get back into the swing within the next couple of days.
Thanks to all who left comments and e-mailed me with congrats.
Posted by
5:44 p.m.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Offline until Tuesday, my friends...real estate glitches delayed closing on our house, which resulted in missing the cable man and hundreds of dollars of extra moving costs while our movers ate ice cream in the truck and waited for the word to move us in.
But we're in and almost completely unpacked....because I'm neurotic that way.
Beautiful new house. Beautiful new backyard and's all good.
It'll be a Tuesday or Wednesday click around.
Posted by
9:19 p.m.