Sunday Click-Around
Waifs and Strays is a site that gives you a glimpse into the lives of homeless children in Bristol c. 1890 to 1918. The little girl pictured here, showed up "clutching a penny and a chestnut".
Recently, my Tetka Ljuba divulged that when she was born in 1944, her family was living in the woods close to the town of Pakrac, Croatia, and were sleeping in a burrowed hole..being Serbs and all...hiding from both Ustasa and Bona Fide Nazis.
The resilience of humans has never ceased to amaze me.
Benjamin Krain is a photojournalist. I don't think I'd be allowed to post a picture.
...he looks pretty serious.
Montage a Google makes a montage with images you request. It's kinda cool. I know it's old, but it's worth looking at again.
If you think that you're relatively normal with few phobias...think again.
Phobias will name every phobia for you. Is it a joke site? I hope so.
Do you have a word or words that you really like?
I do. I like the word "Gonzaga", and the mister thinks it's really funny when I giggle everytime someone says it..but, it's not really a word.
It's a Cardinals' surname. I like the word "amenable" too. There are lots of words that I like, for different reasons. My Favourite Word is a collection of random people's favourite words, and why they like them. Catchy Colours is a blog that "showcases the best of colours from FLICKR" (except, they spelled colours wrong...I corrected them here. ;) ).
Bright Feet is a company that sells house slippers with headlights. Obviously, we're looking to the Japanese now for inventions. Is there a problem with turning the lights on? Perhaps a miners helmet is needed for these people.
Test your geography here. Believe me, you're not as smart as you think...ehrm...I'm not as smart as I think.
I hate that.
Looking at this site helps you understand why fine dining costs so much for so little.
It's really edible art.
And last but not least, as a can I not be interested in a 1,700 pound chocolate moose. What's shameful is that it was done by an American. least he lives in Scarborough.
That's all kids...
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Posted by
10:03 a.m.
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