Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Click Around.

Someone came up with a match for the leg lamp!
The site's in Japanese, but scroll down a bit and you'll see it all.

I love it when I see people who are not held back by their disabilities...even better when someone makes it an ability.
Like this Salsa dancing amputee.
Then there are those who take their challenges to another level, like New Wheels on the Block...(a little OMG-ish), or people like Ryan Lachance or David Birnbaum who both do stand up comedy.

If you worked in a Fortune Cookie Factory, thinking up the little fortunes that go into them...wouldn't you be tempted to throw out some out of left field fortunes? I know that I would. Weird Fortune Cookies collects strange messages from fortune cookies.

I rather enjoyed this entry from WaiterRant, sent to me by Cynical-C.
Because we all should work with what we've got, positive and negative... rather than chase our tails and waste energy over what we think we should have.

From time to time on the net, I run across things that make me scratch my head. This was one of them. Now, I'm not sure what these half-wits were trying to prove by giving themselves names like "Pipelayer" and "SatisFaction" and then videotaping themselves humping furniture, as a group...LOL.
Yeah, that doesn't look stupid to chicks...

I love Christopher Walken, and one of my favourite characters of his on SNL was The Continental. The low-rent Eastern European Playboy....but then, Colonel Angus was also pretty good.

How many Spidermen can you fit into a Jamba Juice?

I didn't know when she would stop, but she's got the longest tongue I've ever seen.
It's actually like a cow tongue!

I watched every single last one of these stories about gay men and women "coming out", and one thing that was consistent in all of them was that the people that they were telling always suspected or knew.
So, all the agonizing about telling, and staying in the closet appears to be pretty well pointless. But, I guess for many people it's harder to say it out loud to the people you've been hiding it from, than it is for those people to hear it.

Here's Liberace and Cassius Clay...Mohommed Ali was actually a pioneer in rap.

Sandra Bee kills me.

Here are some look-alikes..some better than others.

Here's a brilliant little article called Snapping Up Kosovo for a Song, and the politics of Eurovision.
Thanks Anna.

Flickr photos of Toronto. What can I say? I love this town.
Speaking of this town...last June when Metro Housing tore down part of Regent Park, the city had promised to bring the residents back in 15 years when it was complete. I doubted it when I read it then, and actually laughed at how naive politicians think we are.

Turns out, Metro Housing had no real plan for those people to come back.

No shit.

Prime land in downtown Toronto that developers have been salivating over since the beginning of the gentrification of Cabbagetown, and the moving eastward of the Gay Ghetto? Gimme a break. Once those low income families are all out, they're not going to be able 
to come back.
And when they're done with Regent Park, they'll start working on St. Jamestown, and after that, you won't find a low or middle income person living within a 40 block radius.

"There will be about 400 fewer rent-geared-to-income units in the new development compared to the 2,087 now in Regent Park. Derek Ballantyne, head of Toronto Community Housing, believes there will enough subsidized units for anyone who wants to return. Other countries that redeveloped housing projects found 30 per cent of displaced residents don't return, he adds".

That's about 11 months after Toronto Community Housing said that everyone would be "welcomed back". Let's do the math: let's see...2,087 units minus 400 in 12 months.
At that rate, it'll only take 5 years to make sure that no one will be able to come back...and another 9 years to complete the project and get used to the fact that you're never going back. Good job in selling that low income public housing out from under us, and making it sound like you're not doing it to make a profit.

Here are some photos taken by Michael Wolf of apartment living in Hong Kong.

Amazing origami.

I think that teenaged daughters are harder to handle than teenaged sons.
Miss Cellania agrees.

And, last but not least...a trailer for Cavemen.

P.S.: We sold our house in 5 hours.