Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Picture Meme - From Glacia.
1) Age you will be on your next birthday:
2) Place you would like to visit:
3) One of your favourite places:
4) Your favourite object:
Because I'm a bit crazy/obsessive about having it with me.
5) Your favourite food:
I love me some Burek with plain yogurt.
6) Your favourite animal:
Because they're so funny looking
7) Your favourite colour:
8) Name of a past pet :
A hundred years ago, a white cat named Gustav
9) Where you live:
10) First teacher’s last name:
Mrs. White
11) A bad habit of yours
13) Your favourite flower:
14) Your favourite holiday: Day.
Because it marks the end of winter for me...Victoria Day Weekend is when the summer clothes come out and the winter clothes get packed.
I'm not going to tag anyone...but if you want to do it...tell me you did.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday Click Around
I'm really attracted to photographs and art that cross eras. The photo to your left is from Symon Chow's website. I really like the old time feel, with the slivers of current.
I just love The National Film Board. Here are a few of the thousands of shorts that we Canadians all remember:
Black Flies...The Cat Came Back...The Log Driver's Waltz....and this cool little short done for Canada Customs to tell people why animals shouldn't be brought into the country by the average Joe.
...and I remember this little "faces" vignette from when I was a kid.
If you're interested in knowing how to tell if a diamond is real, here is a link that helps you with that.
Here is the entire Russell Peters "Outsourced" DVD online. It's hilarious.
Here's a great little Radenska commercial from back in the days before Yugoslavia fell apart. I've posted it before, but it's still great to see how it used to look.
Teacher Tube is a YouTube clone for Teachers. (via Cynical-C)
For Torontonians: There is a giant whing-a-thon going on in the comments section of this post about the gentrification of Queen Street West because Home Depot is going to build a store across from The Peter Pan Bistro. Change is always gonna come. What makes me laugh the most about this is that pretentiously cool people are always worried about their shit changing, and becoming "commercial" and "selling out". That little stretch of Queen Street hasn't been "edgy" since 1982. Listen, when you decide to add "In the heart of trendy Queen Street West" to your restaurant website....the neighbourhood has already jumped the trendy shark. Mind you though, The Peter Pan was there when it was cutting edge. Bring it on down to Parkdale...the normal people of that neighbourhood have been waiting for the crack whores and crazies to be driven out by latte drinking urban hipsters for over 30 years.
Even Salvador Dali was a sellout.
"Canadian" the new racial slur in the American south. (via Cynical-C)
Ok...a little short this week, but what the hell...I've been preoccupied with that pesky work stuff..
Posted by
11:29 a.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Dantallion tagged me with this meme, and so here it is.
(just joking with the pic
Here are the rules:
-Link to the person that tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
-Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
-Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. I hate scooping out ice cream or putting my hand in a cookie bag. It makes me shiver. I think the ice cream thing is residue from when I was a bartender and had to make girlie drinks that required ice cream and liquors...bleh.
2. When I have to make a big decision, I stress about it for days. I second guess myself, and question my motives ad nauseam...and even when I do that, it sometimes turns out stupid. Things really do work out how they're supposed to, and stressing about it doesn't seem to help...but still, I go through the same routine every. single. time.
3. If I care about you, and you're crying. I'm crying.
4. I smoke. But, I don't smoke during the day, in my car, or anywhere in my house except the kitchen. Yeah. I should quit.
5. I'm not a touchy, feely kind of person...unless I love you, or you are a child.
6. I am fiercely loyal. If I care about you, or you've been good to me...I'll never, ever forget it...even if you're an asshole sometimes. I won't let anyone say shit about you in my presence.
I'm tagging the following, Jacqueline, Piika (even though it's totally not fitting with her blog), DeeLoveLee, JDid, Crankyputz, Joni, and Idle Thoughts.
You Suck at Photoshop
This tutorial is freakin' hilarious.
Thanks Cynical-C
Posted by
12:33 p.m.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Something that Jaybee posted reminded me of our drive through the streets (literally) of Seville, Spain to get to The, I've posted it.
Bill Clinton Caught Nodding Off During Service to Honour MLK
Posted by
9:12 p.m.
Labels: Celebrities
I usually frown on celebrities who mix in politics, but as with everything...there is always the exception.
In this case, I'm chuffed to know that they've taken on this cause.
Hollywood Support for Serbia Grows...
George Clooney says:
"The daily also notes that George Clooney, in an earlier interview, said that, even though he avidly follows all the world's events, he is given no opportunity to hear the Serbian side too, when it comes to solving the issue of Serbian province's status.
“Serbian lobby is very weak in United States and all one can hear or read comes from [pro-independence] Albanian lobby and lobbyists. I can't hear the other side,” said Clooney." one has wanted to hear the Serbian side.
It's good to know that some people in North America are asking logical questions, and noticing that the media and American government doesn't give a rat's ass about Serbia's "side" on the issue of Kosovo.
Back when De Niro was an unknown American student, he traveled to Serbia and spent, according to his own words, memorable days among the Serbian farmers in a small village in Sumadija.
He named his daughter Drina, after his favorite novel “Bridge on Drina River” by the Serbian writer and Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andric. De Niro is known for his high regard for Serbian people, also reflected in his choice of staff mostly comprised of Serbs — from the nanny and gardeners, to horse-trainers and private security guards.
Posted by
4:21 p.m.
Labels: Celebrities, Commentary, Former YU
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A place to stand, a place to grow, Ontar-ee-aaree-aree-oh!
Found at Blog T.O.
Appropriate, since I watched a CBC report on Marc Emery this morning.
...ok, so Marc is from what of it?
Posted by
12:58 p.m.
Labels: Comedy
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Sunday Click Around
The photo is from a collection of Richard Avedon's photo sessions in
which Marilyn Monroe as model portrays the images of silent screen stars.
It's interesting to know that Marilyn fluctuated between a size 14 and 16, which by today's standards is "fat". Avedon's photos have always attracted me.
I love black and white photos and so did he. Here is what you get if you google "Avedon" images.
While we're on photographers, burn some time on the Masters of Photography series on YouTube.
SCTV was way ahead of it's time in taking the piss out of Russians.
Yesterday's Faces Today is a collection of "Where are they now?" photos.
Last weekend, there was a Tennessee Williams Festival on some channel, and I was in heaven.
I lovelovelove the sordid plots of a TW play or film.
Here is Teddi King, a Boston vocalist doing a satirical tune called Tennessee Williams Blues. I love those old '50's and '60's bar scenes. It reminds me of all those old photos of my parents partying it up with friends in clubs and at friends houses.
Celebrity Money Pictures. (found at Neatorama)
Overheard in New York is always a good read for people with a short attention span.
You know you have too much money when you shop at a place like this.
Listen, I don't begrudge people's love for their just burns me when they eat better than a large portion of this city's children.
Celebrity Mouth Eyes pictures is creepy. (via I'm Learning to Share)
How Dry Cleaning Works. Wonder no, find out what the hell "Martinizing" is.
Take this test and find out if you're a good candidate for a stroke. Yeah...I'm all laughs.
The mixture of Asian cultures in this game is a little disturbing, but the concept is cute.
Find out what your name means...even if it isn't of British/Scottish/Irish origin.
Video beauty tips from
Herman Munster, Beatnik poet.
Antonio Riello's Ladies Weapons. Stylin' for your drive by.
Dr. John Breeding, professor, author and Ph.D. psychologist discusses ADHD. I've noticed an incredible increase in cases of ADHD in the past decade. Are all children who have been diagnosed actually suffering from the disorder? Or are they just active kids, and the legal drug business is big business? I dunno. I'm not all that comfortable with medicating children unless you absolutely have to. It's an interesting video, if you are interested in the subject, and can sit through it.
There's nothing entertaining about it.
Just the Doctor, talking.
A Year of Evenings is pretty. Stephanie and Mav live 3191 miles apart. They take pictures at the same time every evening and post them side by side. (Thanks Funkaoshi)
That's all.
Posted by
11:33 p.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Years ago, I was a big Weather Report fan.
These two songs: A Remark You Made...
and Harlequin
Were with me through some of the saddest times in my life.
Years later, I listen to these songs with fondness.
Funny that.
Posted by
12:56 a.m.
I know that I've posted this ad nauseam, but I just love it so...
Thanks for reminding me again Aleksandar from Tamburix.
Posted by
12:29 a.m.
Friday, January 18, 2008
I Understand....
Sean Paul’s songs sparked woman’s seizures:
"Gayle, a 25-year-old customer service employee at a bank in Alberta, Canada, was suffering as many as 10 grand mal seizures a day, despite being treated with medications designed to control them."
"Eighteen months ago, she began to suspect that music by reggae and hip-hop artist Sean Paul was triggering some of her seizures. She recalled being at a barbecue and collapsing when the Jamaican rapper's music started playing, and then remembered having a previous seizure when she heard his music."
I don't get seizures when I hear Sean Paul, but I do get a massive headache that ceases the second he shuts up.
In other news:
The best headline..... EVAHHH!
But, in really bad taste.
Posted by
2:11 p.m.
Labels: Celebrities, music
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Living Dolls
I've done posts about how disturbing little girl pageants are before.
This documentary I found over at ectoplasmosis is in 8 parts, and each part is more disturbing than the last.
Issues, people....issues.
Here's fourfour's commentary on the documentary.
Here's what Swan Brooner (pictured) looks like now, at 13.
Metafilter says that "Sadly, both of her parents passed away from cancer since the documentary was made 6 years ago".
Leslie Butler is still competing.
Posted by
10:34 p.m.
Labels: children, Scary Shit
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Facts of War.
A while ago, I wrote this entry about a woman I once knew.
Today, I read (via Neatorama) about a couple who finally found each other after 60 years.
Of course these things happen.
Truth is truly stanger than fiction.
Posted by
8:55 p.m.
Labels: life, Observations
Monday, January 14, 2008
Clay Aiken's Confession.
He didn't.
Speaking of what he thought....when I was a kid, I thought the word for vacuum cleaner was "Hoover".
You "Hoovered" your house.
You got the Hoover out.
What do you want?
I grew up in an immigrant home.
What did you mistakenly think when you were a kid?
Posted by
5:47 p.m.
Labels: Stupidness
Posted by
2:43 p.m.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
How Porn Ruined Sex
Reading this blog post got me thinking.
It's been a long time since I've been on the dating scene, but I've got single girlfriends who tell me things that make me cringe.
"...just like the younger generation apparently doesn't believe sex transpired unless they documented it on an easily memory stick-able format, "they don't think sex is 'good' unless it's somehow fetish-y,""
That is a sad statement.
It tells me that there is a disconnect from emotion and caring, a crack like addiction to the "next level" without the depth required to to get to that level through an inspired connection between two people...without the accoutrements.
For most of the women I know, sex is mostly about brain candy.
Yes...yes...attraction, looks, the little things...the way a watch sits on a man's wrist, the way he carries himself...a million little things that lead up to it.
"...She went along with it. "I really liked him!" It involved spanking with a special S&M belt and calling her his dirty little slut and other highly inventive nicknames to indicate that he was "dominating" her. ("I do that to keep from getting too close to women," the dude, a psychiatrist, later explained. Nice job!)"
The "going along with it" that so many women are doing is a sad state of affairs.
It tells me that women don't value themselves enough to follow their own feelings of discomfort in a sexual situation and context. It tells me that they're settling for sex without the real next
level of desire and passion.
For what?
Just to be with someone? Anyone?
Doing it to keep from getting too close to women, says to me that many men are just plain chicken.
Posted by
9:15 p.m.
Labels: Commentary, Observations, Scary Shit
Sunday Click Around
I love a funny face.
Here is someones "best face of 2007" compilation.
I'm not much of a Disney fan, and I never have been...Here is "8 Fairy Tales and Their Not So Happy Endings".
It's missing Beauty and the Beast, which is the one that pissed me off the most. In the original,
the beast doesn't change into a handsome prince...he remains the beast, and she loves him anyway...kind of the whole effin' point of the story.
These 1950's scenes done in packing tape by Mark Khaisman are pretty amazing (found at ectoplasmosis).
I'm a big fan of Googie architecture. I don't know why I like the Jetson's like 1950's style. Perhaps it was the high hopes of the people of the era. I mean, we were supposed to be zipping around in our own personal pods by now. Like the Jetsons.
Speaking of The Jetsons... EEP, OPP, ORK AH-AH.
Googie Architecture Online has some great photos of the style...and just for good measure, here's another site too.
When I saw the pictures of this woman's wedding cake, I almost spit out my coffee.
Firstly, it's the most hideous cake I've ever seen. Secondly, I'm not sure the bride has a big enough ego. (found at Cynical-C).
Jacob Lawrence’s “Migration of the Negro” paintings at the Triple Candie gallery in Harlem. I really, really like them.
Layers of Voyeurism is interesting to see and listen to.
25 Years of the Brown Sisters is a chronological timeline of four sisters in photographs. One thing is consistent...that one pissed off sister.
The 10 Golden Rules of Sales.
What is with European men and the speedo?....let it go already!
The return of funny wedding photos. Amusing.
Some bathroom stall graffiti is hilarious, and some profound. Here is "The Writings on the Stall", a compilation of bathroom wisdom sent in by readers.
I don't, and never did find Sting sexy. The idea that he and his wife participated in swinging and tantric sex is a visual I do not need.
That's all.
Oh, and photos of the Gay Pride Parade in Madrid.
Posted by
8:43 a.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Since I get so many hits for this...I thought I'd repost it:
A couple of days ago, Chris over at Cynical-C posted this joke article on How to Argue with Females.
Well, I've decided to post my own tips on How to Argue with Guys.
Here it is:
(It's a joke. Don't e-mail me or get your briefs in a knot.)
Step 1. Hide the remote.
Guys hate having to pay attention and think about things. It’s much more comfortable for them to sweep things under the rug, and you know that is generally as close to a broom as they get.
Step 2. Pretend to compromise.
Guys generally don’t think too far in advance. Their attention span is short, so it’s easy to get them to think that you’ve capitulated when you’ve actually got them to do what you want by massaging their egos. Remember: The man is the head of the household, but the woman is the neck, and the neck can turn the head any way she wants.
Step 3. Dig up ancient history.
Don’t forget to bring up all of the things he’s done that’s even remotely similar to whatever is pissing you off today. This is one of the things guys tell each other women do all the time. Why disappoint them? Especially since you probably have years worth of stuff to throw back up…even though you’ve only been together for about a year.
Step 4. Use Strategy.
Plan all arguments around major sporting events. Always plan to make your point about a minute before the game. He will give in to all demands.
Step 5. Don’t let him interrupt you.
Talk louder if you have to. Yell if you have to. Combine this with step 3 to totally frustrate him and shut him up. Without the remote (see step 1) he won’t know what to do. If you’re lucky he’ll leave in frustration and you’ll be able to watch Desperate Housewives in peace.
Step 6. Take a cheap shot.
Make some sort of reference to his mother. Call him a "Mama’s boy". Mention "Apron strings". Guys hate any reference to being attached to their mothers. It flips some sort of switch that turns them into 12 year olds.
Step 7. Have Patience.
If the argument escalates, cut off all communication with him. This drives guys nuts because they think that you’re the one dying to talk to them. If you do answer, answer by using a really happy voice saying "Hi (some other guys name)", and when he says it's him, change your tone to disappointment. They hate that.
Step 8.(For Canadians only)
Tell him there’s no more beer, and the beer store is closing in 15 minutes. He’ll agree with anything you say just to get there before they lock the doors.
Step 9. Compare his technique with your ex-boyfriends.
It throws him off his game. He’ll be consumed with thinking back on what he’s doing that is wrong, which will enable you to move in for the kill.
Step 10. Be vague.
Let him know you are angry, but when he asks why
just tell him "You know why!" or “If I have to tell you…”
He is guilty of at least a dozen infractions at any given time and this will throw him off as he tries to figure out the exact thing you’re referring to.
Step 11. Cry.
If you find yourself cornered, cry.
It automatically puts him on the defensive. Accuse him of being mean and hurting your feelings. When combined with step 7, you may be able to get him to fetch things for you for days.
Remember, we’ve been letting men think that they are the more intelligent of the genders for centuries. All throughout history men have believed themselves to be in control of every facet of existence.
We women know that they really couldn’t separate laundry without our help.
Friday, January 11, 2008
How to swaddle your baby without paying 40 bucks.
Babies generally like to be wrapped tight...dunno, must be that whole 9monthsinthewomb thing.
I saw this special, amazing miracle blanket on sale for $39.95...and thought about how many people will be convinced that this is some sort of exceptional thing that can only be done with a super duper $40 blanket.
I suppose every company that makes something for kids is looking for the same success that diaper companies have had convincing people that their kids need to be in them for as long as possible.
People who have bought diaper companies bullshit about "pull-ups" kill me.
It's the discomfort of the wet that gets them toilet trained...if you make it comfortable for kids to sit in their own mess, they will.
The job of the company is to keep your kid in diapers for as long as possible.
I guess what I'm on about is the inability of so many people to use common sense.
That's what I'm really on about.
Posted by
5:47 p.m.
Labels: Commentary, Rant
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Karma is a Wacko
Back in October I commented on Jessica Seinfeld's Cookbook and it's similarities to Missy Lapine's book that was published before Seinfeld's, but didn't do as well without a famous husband to get her a date with Oprah.
Shortly after, Jerry went on Letterman and did this:
...and I said (at that time) that following that interview, I hoped that Lapine sued.
Apparently, she has....and Jerry is named in the suit because:
"Seinfeld went on Letterman's show and described Lapine as "angry" and "hysterical." He then compared her to the kind of "wackos" that had previously stalked Letterman. The comedian then added that Lapine was a "three-name woman" and "if you read history, many of the three-name people do become assassins." The complaint, an excerpt of which you'll find below, adds that Seinfeld also described Lapine as a "nutjob" in a second television interview."
I'm surprised that Jerry dismissed her the way that he did.
He, of all people should know better.
Posted by
12:10 a.m.
Labels: Celebrities, Commentary
Monday, January 07, 2008
How to Shake Your Booty Like Beyonce.
#1: Have a booty to shake.
Posted by
10:54 p.m.
Labels: YouTube
Sunday, January 06, 2008
I love fog...I took a walk in the ravine behind our house today...
...a couple more at Look Up Radmila.
Posted by
6:00 p.m.
Labels: Look Up Radmila
Sunday Click Around.
Durga Puja Series by Dr. Vivik. Some great shots there.
A little while ago, I revisited some music by Bijelo Dugme. Here is Sve Ce To O Mila Moja Prekriti Ruzmarin I Sas, and Uspavanka za Radmilu M...I was searching for Kad Zaboravis Juli....but all I could find was this version by a tribute band. It doesn't do it justice, since BD often used entire orchestras...and the song I'm talking about tears your heart with strings.
The photo is part of Photographer Carl Warner's series of photos called "Foodscapes" where everything was made entirely out of food. I particularly like the mountains made made from loaves of Italian bread.
Internet attention grabbing is a non-stop business. Here are Baby Toupees...funny and cute at the same time.
Dancing with The Godfather of Soul...James Brown teaches you some dance steps. on New Year's Day, I couldn't sleep...and watched La Vie En Rose, Edith Piaf's life story. I read her biography a million years ago...and I really enjoyed the movie. It sent me on a bit of a search for her music. Here is Padam, Padam, and a Quand même from 1935, as well as Sophie. My favourite Piaf song: La Vie En Rose...Here is an interview with looks like the 1960's...there's something about Edith's eyes in that interview, world weary and yet vulnerable.
A baby was born in a McDonald’s restroom in Vancouver, Washington, and the mother didn’t even know she was pregnant. How does this happen?
Now, this is the kind of "art installment" I can get behind.
Run to Old is another one of those animations reminding us how fleeting life is., if you travel...this will totally gross you out and encourage you to walk with your own sanitizer.
Vinyl Sleeve Heads is pretty good.
World’s Heaviest Woman that Underwent Gastric Bypass Surgery Died. In the comment section, someone referred to an illness that plagues people who get that huge, but couldn't remember what it was called.
It's called Prader Willi Syndrome, and I've posted a documentary about it is the heartbreaking documentary in full again.
That's all.
Posted by
9:28 a.m.
Labels: Sunday Click Around
Friday, January 04, 2008
You know...we've all got that "ex" that makes ire bubble up the back of our necks.
The one that you can't think of without mouthing "fucking bastard" to yourself.
But, this chick went way out.
Women on the road to success who are determined to screw up their lives are becoming so common, that I'm going to have to start a new category for them.
Remember Lisa Nowak, and Pam Coburn, and Alysia Lane.'s a whole category already.
Posted by
3:33 p.m.
Labels: Tales of the Insecure
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I. Am. So. Out of it.
I'm back to work today, and don't even know where to begin to catch the momentum I had before I left.
The holidays were filled with hosting various soirees with little time for anything other than alternating between hors d'oeuvre preparation, cooking and cleaning.
On New Year's Eve...(our last fête), I announced in a drunken slur, "I'm doing fuck ALL next year...Next year, I'm a Gat.damn guest!"
I have a question.
If you're invited to someones house for a party, do you think it's fine if you bring guests without asking your hosts if it's o.k.?
We had a situation on New Year's Eve when some acquaintances we invited brought with them two women who had the manners, and couth of crack whores.
Seriously, I was half a glass of wine from covering their entire faces with my hand and pushing them backwards out my front door one after the other.
If close friends or family do this...all are welcome (within reason)...when people we don't know well do it, I'm not o.k. with it.
Posted by
4:14 p.m.