Friday, March 30, 2007


A new commenter sent me on a search for Maori Ta Moko.

Here is an interesting link to National Geographic's photo essay on Tattoos and scarring in different cultures.

I ran across this article by Karen Hudson:

"In the Words of a Maori
"Kat" is a Maori who shares her views on Ta Moko imitation. "Pakeha (whites) are distinctly known for not asking, [and] for assuming that how they see the world is [how] others do so also...[They] bastardize our spirituality and culture and claim it as theirs...Non-Maori wearing it as a form of body art are generally considered wannabees, fakes and frauds that show not only a disrespect for our culture, but lie about their own. (How can you respect your own family when you wear the family signature of strangers?) Even if non-Maori do it in a 'respectful' fashion (according to what their non-Maori values dictate is respectful), this is still rude. There is not, in other words, any sense of it being 'okay' for non-Maori to wear Maori Ta Moko.""
