Friday, December 01, 2006

A Good Family is Everything

I haven't given much thought to gay marriage or gay parenting.
Truthfully, it didn't really concern me. Two people love each other, they want to get's all good.
I haven't had much experience with gay parenting either. I've known people who had parents who were gay, and times were different when I was younger.
I had to blog about this today because I've gotten to know a couple whose adopted little boy was recently enrolled at my centre (not the family in the photo). The little boy (I'll call him Sammy) is developmentally delayed, and the birth mother is a drug addict.
One of the classes is doing a unit on "Families" and asked that all children bring in a family photo. Sammy's Daddy and Pappa sent in a Sears Family photo of the three of them, Sammy in the middle and all smiling from ear to ear.
When I saw the photo, my heart melted.
It really did.
This family which is by many considered "unconventional" in a very conventional photo.
This couple who have adopted a child with special needs, and are petrified that the bio-mom may come back for Sammy (the adoption isn't final), are pioneers. Pioneers in this section of the city which is full of working class immigrants, low income families, and small pockets of educated more sophisticated residents.

If this family is any representation of gay parents....those that oppose gay marriage and parenting should just STFU.

Parenting is hard.
Choosing to parent a child that you know has special needs is a blessing to this world.
Whoever chooses to do it, is a hero.

Photo via: The Gay Parenting Page