Thursday, December 21, 2006

Shut up about that Christmas tree in the courthouse already!

I can't believe that we're still talking about it.

"Ontario may need a "Christmas tree placement policy" for the 165 courthouses in the province after a Toronto judge ordered a small tree removed from the lobby of a courthouse"

You have got to be kidding me.

Meetings, and discussion and policy writing, ad nauseam to follow.
Surely there are more pressng things to waste taxpayers money more speed bumps on hardly travelled residential streets, bike lanes on busy Toronto streets that are already clogged with slow streetcars, or harrassing homeowners who attempt to cut down branches from overgrown trees attempting to poke a hole through their second floor windows.

"We will continue to monitor the progress of this particular Christmas tree." do that.
Follow it around with a newspaper with holes cut out for your eyes.
Notify the RCMP, and CSIS on it's movements.
Does it have any red balls? It might be a Communist.

This kind of shit gives me a headache.